Saturday, October 18, 2008

Red Butte Gardens

Red Butte Gardens

We went to see the beautiful gardens about a month ago, it was so much fun. Addi got to see a duck close up and we took some great pictures of the flowers. Tons of Fun!

Baby Addi Is Getting BIG!

Our Little baby is getting so big, she is now 8 months old. She has started the army crawl and is standing really well. She is clapping and we are teaching her how to wave good bye. She is such a happy baby and we can't believe how we ever lived without her. Addison is such a sweet baby and we love her sooooooooooo much!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Baby!

Addi is getting so big and we can not believe how absolutly cute she is. Here are her 3 month old pictures, I know that she is almost 8 months old, I plan to add her 6 month picture very shortly.